Prayer of Regeneration

My Lord, who sits at Jacob's well, give unto me a drink of thy living water, and grant my ears the privilege of hearing your voice, which is music to my soul; let thy water spring forth inwardly and touch my spirit as your words spoke to the heart of the woman at the well. Arise up within my heart unto eternal life that I may never thirst again; for the water that I shall drink with spring forth with eternal life.

Father, Just as the outstretched hand has two sides to it, the palm and the back, so does Life Eternal has two sides to it. You said, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." To them that receive Him, Jesus gives the right to become the sons and daughters of God. Now am I a child of God.

Thank you, Lord, for to know you, and to love you; but most of all for adopting me into your family, and making me a joint heir with Christ, the Lord of Glory. I shall walk as a child of Light, and go through the world fulfilling the ministries of Heaven as Thy Will declare it so—Amen!